El Paso Electric generates and distributes electricity through an interconnected system to approximately 400,000 customers in the Rio Grande Valley in West Texas and Southern New Mexico. In Texas, EPE will offer incentives to energy services contractors for projects producing electricity demand and energy savings.
Contractors may apply for projects targeting commercial customers. In order to receive incentives under this program, contractors must apply for and receive a Standard Offer Program Agreement. Standard Offer Program Agreements are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis in accordance with program procedures described in the program manual. EPE's online applications forms will be available on February 20, 2017.
El Paso Electric offers incentives for projects that reduce peak demand and save energy in commercial facilities in the EPE Texas Service Area.
EPE’s 2017 goal is set at 11.16 megawatts of demand reduction and 19,552 megawatt-hours of energy savings.
Please be aware that EPE's role is to provide incentives for kW and kWh from the energy efficiency contractor -- EPE will not provide price, quality assurance or any other form of customer protection. All matters related to price, quality and performance of materials or equipment, and warranties are between the customer and the contractor.